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It’s about time you get rid of those bashful tendencies and own up to the fact that you have some pretty enviable qualities. Sure there are days that you wish you were somewhere or someone else, but the fact is, people wish they were you. It’s easy to discredit this thought, believing rather that with the flaws you have and the mistakes you’ve made, surely there is another more suitable candidate for others to aspire to be, but you’re wrong. As far as those flaws and mistakes go, no one is perfect. You deserve all this adoration. Here’s why:
You’re Intelligent.
Defined as the ability to learn and understand things, intelligence is unique to every person. When you truly think about it, everyone carries a great deal of knowledge about some particular topic. Whether you have the ability to solve complex chemical equations or you’re very crafty when it comes to repairing cars – your talents and knowledge lie in special areas. Who wouldn’t want to know as much as you do concerning the one thing you’re most passionate about? You’re awesome at it and it really shows.
You Have the Voice of an Angel.
Or maybe you don’t. But when you’re hanging out or driving around with the stereo up, it doesn’t matter how horribly out-of-tune you may be, your favorite line of a song is coming up so there’s no doubt you’re going to sing along. That song matches your mood perfectly today, and it feels great to belt out that melody. Just think of everyone that’s stuck at work or in a quiet classroom that can’t rock out the way you can. They’re wishing they were you.
You Created a Human.
Or maybe you didn’t. That’s cool too. You’re confident in the decision you made to have your little one, to wait until you’re more stable, or to be completely content with no children at all. You fully acknowledge however, that simply having the ability to procreate is amazing. Even if for whatever reason the option is not open to you, remember that you yourself were the result of amazing circumstances. The whole process of conception and growth are mind-blowing, but you already knew that.
You’re Hilarious.
You may not be aware of just how funny you are. Do others begin to grin before you can even get a word out? Do they crack up and call you silly when you’re just being yourself? That tends to happen to funny people. Funny people have the ability to tell a simple story and unintentionally provoke laughter. It’s a gift. Own it.
You Dream Big.
Never one to miss out on letting others know your goals, you remind your family and friends that you’ll own your own business, finish writing your book or that once you’re earning the kind of money that allows you to make those large purchases, you’ll buy your mom a new car. You may even daydream about home improvement projects that you’ll eventually get time to accomplish. Although your dreams are varied, they are achievable because you make it so. You’ll keep working at it until they become real. Not everyone has that kind of work ethic.
You Have a Supportive Family.
You understand that family dynamics differ greatly. Some people are members of a huge family that share the same last name and distinctive features. Then there’s the people who have a blended family made up of halves, steps and adopted individuals – some of whom they’re close to and others, not so much. Those family members that share a connection have the ability to encourage one another and make it known that even in times that they feel alone, they’re never truly alone.
All families aren’t made up of those that are related. Some families consist of a tightly knit group of individuals who trust and rely on each other for fun just as much as they rely on one another for support.
Then there’s you. You weren’t particularly close to all of your family members but you did however, start a family of your own. No one can rival the bond you have with your kids. Plenty of people long for that.
The List Goes On.
One of the most desirable traits that you carry is your ability to admit to failures, accept them and move on. If only everyone could learn to do that. Actually, there’s a whole list of things that make you pretty awesome. You’ve got people wishing they were you because:
* You Have Some Serious Will Power
* You Know How to Rock a Pair of Jeans
* You Smell Really Good
* You Create Tasty Meals
* You Can Power Nap like Nobody’s Business
* When You Smile, It’s Like Magic
* You’re that Person that Can Draw More than Just Stick Figures
* Your Bedtime Stories are the Best
* Your Hair Blows in the Wind
* You Don’t Use the Snooze Button – Well Not All the Time
* You Understand the Brilliance of Arrested Development
* You Don’t Sweat, You Glisten
* You’re Faithful to Your Partner OR You’re Single and Loving It
* You’ve Got Great Eyes
* You Can Play An Instrument (But Haven’t Touched it in Years)
* You Exercise Patience
* You’re at least one of these things: Cute, Hot, Beautiful or Handsome. Don’t argue; You are.
* You’re Eating Something Delicious as You Read This
* You Don’t Dance Well, But You’re Not Afraid to Bust out Your Go-to Move in Public
* You Are Capable of Just About Anything
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